Summer Camp!

Summer camp is coming to Monarca! Students will experience the joy of circus including aerial apparatuses like silks and lyra while learning the value of hard work and cooperation. From silly to serious, we’ll explore all sides of circus in this week-long exploration ending with a short performance to showcase what we’ve learned. For ages 8-12, camp will run 9 am-12:30 pm each day with […]

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Spring 2024 Burlesque Showcase

Burlesque is Back! Monarca in Flight is thrilled to announce our next burlesque night on Saturday, February 17 at 7:30 pm! This will be a much more informal affair than our usual showcases to provide a safe environment for us to step out of our comfort zones and try something new. The audience will be restricted to members and specially invited guests only to ensure […]

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Fall 2024 Showcase

We’re pleased to announce our Fall 2024 Showcase: Let your favorite fable, fairytale, or tale of folklore inspire you to a mystical, magical showcase number! All students are welcome to apply.  When choosing performers. we will give some preference to those who haven’t performed in a showcase recently, but we welcome a mix of experience and skill levels.  Applications are due by June 17, and […]

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Fall 2023 Showcase Tickets

Show Your True Colors! Ticket sales for the Fall 2023 Showcase will go live on October 18! Nov 18, 2:00 pm Buy tickets Nov 18, 7:30 pm Buy tickets  

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Fall 2023 Showcase

We’re pleased to announce our Fall 2023 Showcase: Show Your True Colors! Feel free to interpret the theme any way you like.  You can play with color, choose a song about color, or dig deep and show us who you really are.  Surprise us! All students are welcome to apply.  When choosing performers. we will give some preference to those who haven’t performed in a […]

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“Opening the Chrysalis” Showcase

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at burlesque? Monarca in Flight is thrilled to announce our first ever burlesque night, “Opening the Chrysalis,” on Saturday, February 18 at 8:00 pm! This will be a much more informal affair than our usual showcases to provide a safe environment for us to step out of our comfort zones and try something new. The audience will […]

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Spring 2023 Showcase

We’re pleased to announce our Spring 2023 Showcase: Four by Four! Think about the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water).  Mix and match to come up with the inspiration for your act. All students are welcome to apply.  When choosing performers. we will give some preference to those who haven’t performed in a showcase recently, […]

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Fall 2022 Showcase

We’re pleased to announce our Fall 2022 Showcase: JukeBox! (Yeah, we know we announced Mix Tape, but we discovered a group in Maryland using that theme for a performance.  So.) Dust off the Way-Back Machine and find a favorite tune from the 50s through the 80s that makes you want to perform.  We want to see you embody the period your song represents in whatever […]

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Spring 2022 Showcase

We’re pleased to announce our Spring 2022 Showcase: Engage and Empower! This was a theme Acoatzin came up with before he died, so we’re honoring his wishes and moving forward with it.  We want you to engage your mind and empower your creativity to interpret this theme.  Come up with whatever is meaningful to you around those words. All students are welcome to apply.  When […]

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