Time to level up!

We know class levels have been a little fuzzy post-Covid, so over the last few months, the teaching staff has been meeting to realign on levelling for our aerial classes. Starting in July, new levels will be added to better serve all our students! This includes refocusing our Level 1 classes on fundamentals, adding more Level 2 and 3 classes for our more experienced students, and hopefully more class spaces for everyone in their appropriate levels!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Level 1, 2, and 3 curriculums are now standardized. If you take a Level 1 class, you will receive Level 1 material EVEN IF you are a Level 2 or 3 student. An “All Levels” class means that any student cleared for at least Level 1 may attend; students might be assigned different progressions based on their skill level.
    • We’ll keep an eye on demand as the new levels roll out. We may ask you not to attend classes below your level so that there’s enough room for everyone in their respective levels. We’ve also narrowed some curriculums to help alleviate this, so skills that used to be on the advanced side of Level 1 may now be Level 2 skills.

  • We’ll assess students on a rolling basis – you can move up as soon as you’re ready! Some instructors may already be assessing during class in preparation for this change. If you think you’re ready to level up, ask one of your regular instructors for that apparatus! We’re happy to help and if we see you in class every week, we probably already have a good idea if you’re ready and can give you some tips for what to work on if you’re not quite there yet.
  • For aerial classes without a clearly marked level (Lyra Flow, What the F-f-f-fabric, straps classes, etc.) AND non-aerial classes (flexibility, conditioning/prehab, handstands, etc.), please continue checking prerequisites in Mindbody and reach out with any questions.
  • Keith will update Mindbody based on your current permissions (e.g., if you’re currently in Level 2 Fabric, you should be automatically updated to Level 3). Please bear with us! If you don’t think your permissions are correct, let us know.

-Sophia Chen