Showcase Info for Performers

This page will be updated as info becomes available.  Please bookmark it, since it’s for performers only, and there’s no public link from the Monarca site.

The Tony Awards Go Circus!


March 2: Apparatus choice due

March 30: Music upload due (Google Drive link to be added after the Burlesque showcase)

April 30: Bio and emcee intro information due (Google Drive link to be added after the Burlesque showcase)


Starting in February, we will be hosting “Performers Only” Open Studio on Saturday afternoons from 2pm-4pm. This will be a great time to begin putting your ideas and dreams into action. The entire studio will be at your disposal, just let us know what equipment you need. *If you are considering an invented apparatus (or any apparatus not currently taught at Monarca), you will need written permission from Tricia and lessons with an instructor outside of open studios and performance workshops.*
Once March hits, this open studio will turn into “Performance Workshops.” You will be able to sign up for these workshops through Mindbody. You MUST attend AT LEAST 3 of these workshops by April 15th in order to stay eligible for the showcase. We will be making final cuts, if any, by April 15th. The showcase staff needs to see a mostly roughed-out version of your act by this date, or you might be asked to relinquish your spot. 
The purpose of these workshops is for you to hone your choreography, build endurance, and receive creative and technical assistance while you are creating your act. These workshops will be led/supervised by one of our fantastic Monarca staff. We will be utilizing both studios, so there will be plenty of space!
As we get closer to the showcase, we’ll use these sessions to watch your full act and offer feedback for performance.
Showcase workshop dates: Saturdays 2-4pm
*** ALL showcase participants must be in a technique class AT LEAST three times a month.*** No exceptions. Class and consistent training makes for healthier and safer performances. The majority of these should be on the apparatus on which you are performing.
*** ALL performers will be using at least a panel mat. Students must speak to their instructor, Gwynne, or Tricia if they feel their performance would be hindered by a crash mat.

All performers will be expected to be in attendance for all dress rehearsals and performances

Dress rehearsals: May 5 & 7, 7:00 pm (call 6:00 pm).
Final Dress rehearsal: May 17, 7:00 pm. (call 5:30 pm)
Performances: May 18, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm (call 12:30 and 6:00 pm, respectively)

Group: Yuliya Baukova, Lisa Huynh, Heather Sager, Brigid Skroup, Kayla Springer, Julie Steinberg
Emma Barnett
Leslie Booth
Julia Brodsky
Kate Dauoda Paul
Kyla Dotson
Cassie Drumm
Amy Gottlieb
Joanne Hama
Kathryn Kelly
Tricia Melka
Alicia Nasto
EChO Ory
Hannah Robinson
Monika Roy
Ingrid Sanden
Kyle Veldman
Dao Wei
Rick Woler
Natalia Zambrano

Goodle Drive folder: For dropping off music, bios & intros, etc.:  To Be Added

There’s a copy of the previous showcase program in the folder if you need help or ideas with your bio.  Your intro will be ready by the emcee before you perform, and can be whatever you think the audience would like to know about the inspiration for your piece.

Put your bio and intro into a file (MS Word is great, but we’re flexible), and upload to Google Drive with your name in the filename.

Music should be a file in either .mp3 or .m4a format.  Don’t send a link to something on iTunes or Spotify and expect us to chase it down.  We won’t.  Please make sure to include your name in the file name so we know whose is whose.